Chloe, Emma/Nat e X estão desempacotando objetos na sala que dá para a varanda da nova casa. O ambiente é de madeira escura, tem tecidos coloridos e uma pequena vista. Emma/Nat usa um lenço colorido na cabeça para prender os cabelos como arco. (Emma/Nat não se chamará Emma/Nat, é que não dá pra um casal ser Chloe e Zoey.)
- Do you like it here?
- It’s ok.
- Too much hanging on the same wall?
- Yeah, maybe.
- Will you ever talk to me again?
- I’m talking now.
Emma/Nat sai. Chloe aconselha X:
- Never marry a woman.
X (not in an angry way):
- You didn’t. ..
- That’s what it’s all about?
X smiles.
- Look at this place! There’s a balcony! Green plants facing a kitchen!
X ri e entrega um vaso da mini-horta e outro com azaleias.
- There are pink flowers also.
- She didn’t want to marry me.
- Because your reasons to get married were a little… non-romantic?
- What’s wrong about prevention? About avoiding problems? I was trying to keep forever what we have now: respect, balance, I don’t wanna see myself in the future fighting against the woman I love for that couch or those books! Now they are ours, memories filling a couch, sacred place, tomorrow they can become weapons. (silencio) Shouldn’t that be called protection? Isnt it romantic: never-ending plans? Taking care of your love?
X continua ajeitando livros na estante de madeira e fala tranquilamente.
- You could be a good lawyer.
- I don’t wanna need lawyers! I want us to be safe, that’s planning the future, not not-being-romantic.
- Very practical.
- See? She used to like that I’m practical, but now, out of the blue, that’s a bad, cruel thing and she doesn’t smile anymore. Who knows about tomorrow?
- That doesn’t work that way, Chlo. And nothing happened out of the blue, it was more out of the dark.
Chloe reage à ironia
- You’re acting much more idealistic than she is. Who do you know that got divorced in a nice friendly way?
- Not here! Not those people around us, occidental junkie crapped people… Come on, our parents got married in the 70’s, they were too high to think properly!
X ri:
- And before that everybody was too attached to rules to separate and before that they were very pre-historic ... (tirando a poeira dos livros com as maos) Did you really read them all? I can see where all this ideas came from. You better stop it!
Chloe rouba os livros de X:
- See that name on it? She wrote it! Thats the same thing: prevention, lets keep things clear from chapter 1! Don’t you think once we created a new living style we should rethink all that surrounds it? I married a woman, shouldn’t we reinvent marriage? New relationship models?
- (provocando) you didn’t married her.
Chloe joga uma almofada em X, que ri alto.
- So thats what it is all about, Che?
Chloe fica parada olhando.
- Look at this place! There’s a balcony! Green plants facing a kitchen!
- There are pink flowers also.
Pausa, as duas em pé.
- I’m just afraid of the future.
- Except we are in the present, and there’s already a balcony and a couch full of memories. And you happy.
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